Best Backend for React — Top Picks for React Developers

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React is a powerful frontend library designed for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces, making it a popular choice for web development. It excels at managing the view layer of web applications, rendering components, handling user inputs, and updating the UI in real-time.

However, to unlock its full potential, React needs to be paired with a robust backend technology. This backend is crucial for handling server-side logic, data processing, authentication, and providing API endpoints. It effectively manages the React application’s data and business logic behind the scenes, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Choosing the right backend for your React app involves careful consideration of factors like development speed, project requirements, performance, security, scalability, and popularity. In this article, we’ll explore the best backend technologies that complement React, helping you select the one that best fits your project requirements. Whether you’re aiming for rapid development, scalability, or high performance, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive into the top backend services and find the perfect match for your next React.js project.

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Laravel is an open-source PHP framework designed to simplify and accelerate the development of web applications. It provides a range of tools and features that help developers build robust, scalable, and maintainable applications.

Why Laravel is Great for React

  • Elegant Syntax: Laravel’s expressive and elegant syntax simplifies common tasks like routing, authentication, and caching, making it easier to set up a backend for React applications.
  • MVC Architecture: Supports a clear separation of concerns with its Model-View-Controller architecture or MVC, complementing React’s component-based approach.
  • Robust API Development: Built-in support for RESTful APIs and easy integration with GraphQL via packages like Lighthouse.
  • Authentication & Security: Laravel provides built-in solutions for authentication, authorization, and security, reducing the overhead for developers.
  • Community and Ecosystem: A rich ecosystem of tools and packages (e.g., Laravel Echo for real-time events) that enhance the capabilities of a React frontend.

When to Use Laravel with React

Laravel and React pairing is ideal for applications requiring complex data relationships, extensive backend logic, and robust security.

React with Laravel as backend is also well-suited for building dynamic, data-driven web applications, such as content management systems, e-commerce platforms, and social networks.

It’s suitable for developers familiar with PHP (a programming language with server-side rendering) and those looking to leverage Laravel’s built-in features for rapid development.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an open-source web application framework written in the Ruby programming language. It is designed to make web development faster and easier by providing a structured, efficient, and easy-to-use environment.

Why Ruby on Rails is Great for React

  • Convention over Configuration: Rails’ emphasis on convention over configuration speeds up development, enabling rapid prototyping and deployment.
  • Scaffolding: Rails’ scaffolding can quickly generate RESTful APIs and resources, which can be easily consumed by a React frontend.
  • Scalability: Rails is well-suited for scalable applications, particularly with its support for modular architecture and microservices.
  • Asset Pipeline: Integrates well with modern JavaScript tools, allowing you to use React directly within Rails views or as a separate frontend.
  • Ecosystem: Rich Ruby ecosystem with a large collection of gems (libraries) and tools, managed by Bundler.
  • Hosting and Deployment: Ruby applications often deployed on platforms like Heroku or cloud services, with a strong emphasis on modern deployment practices.
  • Popularity: Ruby on Rails has a strong following and is known for its elegant and readable code, which can be a significant advantage for long-term maintenance.
  • Mature Community: A large and active community offers extensive plugins, gems, and resources that enhance development with React.

When to Use Ruby on Rails with React

Ruby on Rails is perfect for projects that benefit from Rails’s rapid development features and need strong conventions and a mature ecosystem.

Similarly to Laravel, it is used in web apps where the backend requires robust data management and business logic. With a backend as Ruby on Rails, you can build community forums, rental services, financial applications, medical record systems, and more.


Node.js provides a minimalistic environment for running JavaScript on the server, allowing for high concurrency and real-time applications. It doesn’t offer the structured MVC pattern as Rails or Laravel did or extensive built-in features. Instead, it relies on frameworks like Express.js to build web applications.

Express.js adds a layer of abstraction on top of Node.js, offering a streamlined framework for building web applications and APIs with features like routing, middleware support, and easier HTTP handling.

Why Node.js is Great for React

  • Full-Stack JavaScript: Allows for a consistent JavaScript codebase across both frontend (React) and backend, simplifying development and knowledge sharing.
  • Non-Blocking I/O: Its asynchronous, event-driven architecture makes it ideal for real-time applications, such as chat apps or live feeds.
  • Rich Ecosystem: NPM (Node Package Manager) provides a vast collection of libraries and modules, accelerating development and integration.
  • Microservices Architecture: Well-suited for building scalable microservices that can be consumed by React applications.
  • Express Compatibility: Node.js works seamlessly with frameworks like Express.js, providing a robust and flexible environment for API development.

When to Use Node.js with React

Node.js focuses on server-side operations, such as handling HTTP requests, interacting with the file system, and managing databases.

It’s ideal for real-time applications, microservices architectures, and scenarios where a unified JavaScript stack is advantageous. It’s best for those of you who want to leverage the extensive JavaScript ecosystem and non-blocking I/O for high-performance applications.

Many high-profile applications use Node.js for their backend due to its performance and scalability. The ones that pair Node.js with React for app development are Netflix, Uber, LinkedIn, Walmart, and Medium.


Django is a high-level, open-source web framework written in Python that is primarily used for backend development. It follows the MVC architectural pattern (often referred to as Model-View-Template in Django) and provides tools and features to simplify the development of complex web applications.

Why Django is Great for React

  • Comprehensive Framework: Django’s “batteries-included” approach offers built-in features like ORM, authentication, and admin interface, which simplify backend development.
  • REST and GraphQL Support: With Django REST Framework or Graphene-Django, you can easily set up robust RESTful or GraphQL APIs for your React frontend.
  • Security: Provides robust security features out of the box, including protection against common vulnerabilities and strong user authentication.
  • Django Shell: Provides an interactive shell for testing code and interacting with the application environment.
  • Hosting: Compatible with various hosting solutions, including traditional servers, cloud platforms, and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) providers like Heroku.
  • Scalability: Well-suited for building large-scale applications, with tools for managing database migrations, caching, and deployment.
  • Integration with Other Python Libraries: Django integrates seamlessly with other Python libraries and frameworks, making it easier to add functionality related to data processing, scientific computation, or machine learning.
  • Community Support: A large and active community provides extensive documentation, plugins, and third-party packages to enhance development.

When to Use Django with React

Django is a robust choice for a backend when paired with React, especially if you prefer Python, need extensive built-in features, and value security and data management capabilities. It excels in providing a comprehensive set of tools out of the box, supports rapid development, and integrates well with modern frontend frameworks.

Is Django a great backend framework? Mozilla’s Firefox Accounts system uses Django to manage user authentication, account data, and security. The frontend, built with React, provides a dynamic and responsive user interface for logging in, managing account settings, and synchronizing browser data.

Another example is Udemy. This major online learning platform uses Django for backend services such as course management, user authentication, and payment processing. React is used on the frontend to deliver an interactive user interface for course browsing, enrollment, and video playback.


Go is an open-source programming language developed by Google. It is designed for systems programming with an emphasis on simplicity, concurrency, and performance.

Why Go is Great for React

  • Real-Time Applications: Ideal for applications that require handling a large number of simultaneous connections or real-time data, such as chat applications, live feeds, or multiplayer games.
  • RESTful APIs: Go’s standard library and frameworks (e.g., Gin, Echo) make it straightforward to build RESTful APIs that serve data to React applications.
  • Concurrency: Go’s support for concurrency through goroutines allows it to handle high loads and multiple connections efficiently, which is beneficial for scalable web applications and APIs used by React frontends.
  • Service-Oriented Design: When adopting a microservices architecture, Go is excellent for developing individual services that need to be performant and scalable, with React handling the frontend.

When to Use Go with React

If you’re building a real-time applications like chat apps or live collaboration tools, you may find Go useful. Go supports handling multiple real-time updates and notifications, and React enables real-time updates on the client side without full page reloads.

Similarly, streaming platforms like Twitch use Go for backend services like video processing and real-time analytics, with React used for the frontend interface. In that case, Go’s performance capabilities handle high-volume streaming data and concurrent user interactions, while React provides a seamless viewing experience.

Build React frontend with UXPin Merge

Different languages have strengths in various areas. For example, Django excels in data-rich software development, Go is great for high-performance networking tasks, and Node.js or Go might be used by startups that invest in microservices architecture.

Now, it’s time to build a front-end of your app. Bring your React components through Git integration or use pre-built libraries like MUI and use UXPin Merge to create fully functional interface that’s ready for further development. Try UXPin Merge for free.

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by UXPin on 20th August, 2024

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