
Blog Posts

DVC Maggie
DesignOps at Uber – Who Are Design Program Managers? by UXPin

At UXPin’s Design Value Conference in March 2022, we hosted five design industry leaders to understand Design and DesignOps at some of the world’s biggest organizations. One of those speakers was Maggie Dieringer, Senior Design Program Manager at Uber. Maggie has worked as a DPM at Uber since 2016 on the Rides and Eats products

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Prototyping tools 2024
React Hooks – Examples, Definitions, and Best Practices by UXPin

A React Hook is a special function in React that lets developers use state and other React features without writing a class. It makes code simpler and easier to manage by allowing functionality to be added directly within components. React Hooks makes the code easier to read and write. It simplifies state management, enhances performance,

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Want to Convert Design To Code Heres A Better Way
Want to Convert Design To Code? Here’s A Better Way by UXPin

Whether creating a web page, Android app, or iOS app, most traditional designers start their work by creating static images with tools like Adobe XD, Figma, or even Photoshop. The designs might look aesthetically pleasing but they are not even close to being ready to be converted into code. After the designing phase, designers need

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Code to Design Guide
Code to Design Complete Guide for 2024 by UXPin

Design-to-code is a familiar workflow. Designers create a prototype using a design tool, and developers convert it to code–a simplified version of the standard product development process. UXPin Merge turns this process upside down with a revolutionary code-to-design workflow. This article explains code to design and how it enhances the product development process with four

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UXPin is a product design platform used by the best designers on the planet. Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes.

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