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Whats the difference between UXPin and Merge technology
What’s the Difference Between UXPin and Merge Technology? by UXPin

You may wonder what the difference between UXPin and Merge is. And, which one is right for my design team? To put it simply, UXPin is an all-in-one design software that covers the entire product design process together, including design handoff, while Merge is a technology that allow you to bring interactive components to UXPin

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What is NPM
What is npm? by UXPin

Many programming languages use packages to build and scale websites, software, and other digital products. These packages allow engineers to extend a project’s functionality without writing and maintaining additional code. This article will explain these terms from a designer’s perspective, so you get a basic understanding of how packages work and why engineers use them.

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Prompt Engineering
Design System Naming Conventions – How to Set Them by UXPin

Design system naming conventions are the standardized rules and guidelines used to name elements within a design system. This includes naming design tokens, components, patterns, styles, and any other elements that are part of the design system. A well-defined naming convention is crucial for maintaining clarity, consistency, and ease of use across both design and

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Design system governance
Design System Governance – Scale Your Design by UXPin

Some team members despise design system governance. They see it as a roadblock to rapid growth, creativity, and flexibility. However, design system governance can foster scalability and creativity if properly implemented while maintaining design and usability consistency. Good design system governance prioritizes users before growth and profits. Company culture also plays a significant role in

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Top React Libraries
5 Best React Component Libraries of 2024 by UXPin

Modern websites and apps rely on front-end frameworks to develop, maintain, and scale user interfaces. React’s Javascript library is arguably the most popular front-end framework with many component libraries to build digital products. We’re going to explore the top React UI libraries and how to choose the right one for your next project. With UXPin

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Design Tokens
What Are Design Tokens? by UXPin

The design system revolution of the last decade has brought with it all sorts of tools and strategies to enhance product development workflows. Design tokens are one of those tools many design systems, including Google’s Material Design 3 and MUI, have adopted to make UI elements easier to implement, manage, and update. Announcement: UXPin’s design

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Still hungry for the design?

UXPin is a product design platform used by the best designers on the planet. Let your team easily design, collaborate, and present from low-fidelity wireframes to fully-interactive prototypes.

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